Expanded Backyard Makes For a Beautiful View
Terraces to Scenic Vistas
Nestled in the hills of Shell Beach, California the Allee home was in need of a backyard expansion. With a beautiful view of the Pacific Ocean in the front and a hillside directly out their backdoor, the Allee family needed to add balance and outdoor living areas to their yard. To get the job done, the Allees sought the help and expertise of Jeromy Frakes, owner of Frakes-scapes and a certified Allan Block wall installer to make the transformation.

The makeover allowed them to expand the patio and create more outdoor living space

An upper patio area was added to allow them to see the Pacific Ocean that had been previously enjoyed only from the front yard

Frakes suggested using the AB Europa Collection by Allan Block to create some retaining walls in the backyard. The retaining walls would cut into the hillside to allow for a larger patio and more useable space. The flexible Allan Block segmental retaining wall products were the ideal choice for incorporating inside and outside curves, corners, and stairways into the project. The AB Europa Collection blocks also had an old world – rustic feel that the Allees really liked.
Working with the local Allan Block producer, Air Vol Block in San Luis Obispo, the homeowners were able to choose the perfect color for their retaining walls and interlocking paving stones for the patio to match.
Frakes was able to expand the patio, create more outdoor living space and even incorporate an upper patio area where the Allee family can now enjoy their Pacific Ocean that had been previously enjoyed only from the front yard.
The Allee family is very pleased with their new expanded outdoor living space and are enjoying the time they can spend relaxing, socializing and taking in the beautiful view with friends in their new backyard.
Excerpt from Landscape Newsletter Issue #25