Water in the Landscape
Water can turn an ordinary landscape into a peaceful oasis. They can provide a soothing retreat and a beautiful focal point within your overall landscape. Water features can attract birds and other wildlife. The sound of trickling water creates a place of quiet serenity and a sense of privacy.
Ponds and Fountains Bring the Landscape to Life
Retaining wall water features can also be active and exciting, like a waterfall cascading over a natural rock formation. The sight and sounds of water-in-motion, flowing, spilling or cascading, can be a dramatic landscape enhancement. Splashing fountains… shimmering pools… no matter how simple or elaborate, water features can add a new dimension to your landscape.

Pond with soft liner

Pond with hard liner
Installation Notes
- Flexible plastic liners provide built-in support for ponds
- Plastic liners can be used for free-form ponds and water features. However, these features will transfer water pressure to the surrounding retaining walls. Your retaining wall design must account for the added pressure.
- Learn more about basic installation of retaining walls.